26 April 2011

Easter at Lorne

On the (early) morning of Easter Sunday, Vic and I set off for Lorne where we would spend the last 3 days of our holidays. We took the V line to Geelong after almost missing our train by a near 30 seconds(!) and then caught a bus into Lorne. 
The weather was amazingly perfect with barely any clouds... although we did get picked up in the rain.
We moved into our bunk room after getting a tour of my new beach house and spent our first hour of our holiday trying to work out how to put square sheets on a curved bed...and then trying to do the same to the top bunk.  
We spent our nights watching Mcleod's Daughters and our days in town eating amazing food, trying on clothes and later, walking the beach collecting shells. 

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect way to end my holidays. 

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